Why We Support Israel
Here is why we are going to continue to support the State of Israel and the Jewish people:
1) Israel is not a political issue … Israel is a Bible issue. Truth is not what you think it is; truth is not what I say it is; Truth is what the Bible says it is. The truth is, Israel is the only nation created by a Sovereign act of God in the Book of Genesis. Israel was not born on May 15, 1948 … it was born 3500 years ago when Almighty God made an eternal covenant between Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants (see Genesis 13:14-15 and Genesis 17:7-8).
2) Those who believe the Bible are commanded in Psalms 122:6 to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem; may they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.”
3) God has promised in Genesis 12:1-4 to bless every person and nation who blesses Israel and to curse every person and nation that curses Israel. The effectiveness of this divine mandate is seen in the lives of two Pharaohs. The Pharaoh that blessed Joseph and the Jewish people avoided starvation and knew unlimited prosperity; the Pharaoh that “knew not Joseph” and who drowned Jewish male children in the Nile River was himself turned to fish food in the Red Sea with his army. Exactly what you do to the Jewish people God will do to you.
4) In Luke 7 the blessing of healing came to the house of a Roman Centurion (a Gentile) with a sick servant. Why? Jesus Christ, a Jewish Rabbi entered the Roman Centurion’s house and prayed for his sick servant because “he built a synagogue” in the Land of Israel (see Luke 7:1-5).
5) St. Paul has commanded all Christians in Romans 15:27, “For if the Gentiles have benefitted from their spiritual things (the Jewish people) it is the duty of the Gentiles to minister to them in material things.” What spiritual blessings have the Jewish people given to us? They have given to us the Word of God, the Patriarchs, the Prophets, the first family of Christianity: Mary, Joseph and Jesus, the 12 Disciples and the Apostle Paul. Take away the Jewish contribution to Christianity and there would be no Christianity.
6) We support Israel because Jesus Christ our Lord said, “I say to you, ‘Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” (Matthew 25:40). The phrase “My brethren” refers to the Jewish people. Jesus never called the Gentiles His brethren until the Cross. Before the Cross we were, as St. Paul stated, “outside the covenants of Israel, without God and without hope and of all men most miserable.”
7) We support Israel because Obadiah 1:15 and Joel 3:2 make it very clear that any nation, which includes America, that tries to divide the Land of Israel (which includes Jerusalem) will in fact experience the judgment of God. Simply stated, the day America turns its back on Israel will be the day God will turn His back on America.
We support Israel because Israel has the right to exist! We call on the President and Congress to demand that Hamas and the Palestinians recognize Israel’s right to exist or to cut off all foreign aid immediately. Israel has the right to have defined and defensible borders. Israel has the right to defend itself from any nation or group of people that attack them.
To all Bible believers, let us UNITE to stand up and speak up for the State of Israel. God is watching!
Exerpt from a letter Cornerstone Church Pastor John Hagee, San Antonio, Texas, wrote to Glenn Beck May, 2011.