What are Mishloach Manot and How Do They Relate to Purim?

Mishloach manot are gifts of food that friends (and prospective new friends!) exchange on Purim. We are instructed inMishloach Manot the scroll of Esther (9:19) to send gifts to one another. Jewish families make mishloach manot  at home and distribute them to friends. Often presented in baskets, mishloach manot include at least two different types of food, including hamantaschen, the traditional three-sided pastry eaten on Purim.   Many families purchase or bake hamantaschen to include in these baskets and to enjoy at homeMishloach manot may also include a wide variety of foods and treats.

Matanot l’evyonim (gifts to the poor), a second Purim tradition, are gifts given at this season to those in need so that they, too, can celebrate Purim with a special meal (Esther 9:22). Many families have committed to participating in this important social justice aspect of the holiday
