Week 3 of our Walls of Jericho fast … though the battle rages …
by Les’a Cole
Though the battle may rage around us, our God, our YHVH, is our refuge. Though the enemy may try to disuade us, discourage us, depress us, our YHVH is with us.
King David reminds us in Ps 40:2 ESV: “He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure”. And Is 57:2a further encourages us: “For the righteous man is taken away from evil, He enters into peace.”
The last week has been intense one. First, our precious Tere was in an accident – miracle of miracles she survived and is with us again today! Then, a few days later, mother fell and hurt her head. Again, God’s hand was there. She’d been off blood thinners just long enough for them to no longer thin her blood: a blessing because of the seriousness of her head wound. Then a couple of days later, my nephew was in a horrific motorcycle accident and was air lifted to the hospital where he has been on life support. Though my nephew is heavily sedated, his vitals are stabile and it apprears there is no paralysis. Indeed, YHVH has been with us! He made our steps secure and gave us His peace (in spite of all the emotional tugs).
Do you what our God did in the midst of all this? Shortly after Tere’s accident and just before Mother fell, our Messiah began giving our daughter a new song. Yeshua gave Yonah the last part of the song the day my nephew was in brain surgery. Such a tender and loving God we serve. He gave each of us encouragement and peace. As you listen to this song, I encourage you to allow His words to refresh you. (Click on play button below)
Yes, the battle is great – but HE is our shield!
As we continue to press in on our fasts, we WILL see Him bring down those spiritual walls. YHVH is not only bringing us through these trials, He’
s molding each of us to be His effective warriors.
“Mighty God, I continue to be amazed at the tenderness of Your love for each of us!! Thank You for Your protection for each of these who’ve been in critical conditions. We ask that You heal each one totally. Heal bodies and emotions. Continue building our faith that we might serve You with more effectiveness. Turn the hearts of Israelis and Americans to You. Bring Your peace to these two nations. In the most holy Name of our Messiah, b’shem Yeshua. Amen.”
IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:
- USA: Wisdom for our leadership, their health, and their direction. Prayer for their safety.
- Prayer for total healing for Tere, Joan, Rob, and Jessica. As well as all who are struggling physically.
- Israel: peace and righteousness.
- Protection of the persecuted church.
Continuous Prayer:
- Pray for healing and direction of the US
- Pray for Israel!
- Protection of the persecuted church
- Prayer for our soldiers and all those in uniform: that they might be spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!