Elul 2: Need a breakthrough?
What are we willing to give up?
The Hebrew month of Elul is traditionally a time to repent & to turn more to God, to press into the most High. We shall discuss more about the significance of the month of Elul next week.
This week, we are going to focus getting a break through. Who do you know who needs a breakthrough? Do you? One quick look at the news shows that our country, Israel, and those in leadership are in dire need of a breakthrough … a breakthrough of righteousness.
Throughout the centuries, believers have turned to God in prayer and fasting. Moses, Elijah, Esther, Ezra, Job, David, Daniel, Peter, Paul even Yeshua…fasted. The Bible is filled with more than 70 references to fasting! Fasting can bring breakthroughs like nothing else. Why? As we humble ourselves before God, we are eliminating the desires of the flesh and the things that can distract our focus from our LORD.
“Is this not the fast which I choose, to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free And break every yoke? … then your light will break out like the dawn, and your recovery will speedily spring forth; and your righteousness will go before you; the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.” Is 58:6, 8 NASB
There are many different types of fasts. We can eliminate a particular food, drink or entertainment for a period of time. In place of eating or doing that thing that we enjoy – use that time to pray! Intercede for those around you; for our country; for our president and those in leadership; for Israel.
ACTION: If you’ve not yet begun this fast … start today!!! There are 37 more days until Yom Kippur. Let’s all press in for His breakthroughs. (Each time that I’m tempted to eat “sugar”, I pause and think: what do I want more: His breakthrough or that delicacy?!)
“HALLELU-YAH!!! Father, we thank You for this time of year. For this opportunity to ready ourselves for Your festivals. Help us to set aside our desires to see You intervene in our lives, in the lives of those in our congregation, in our country, in Israel! Teach us to persevere & to deny our fleshly desires. In the Holy Name of our Messiah, Yeshua, we ask this.”
IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:
- Israel: peace and righteousness.
- Pray for each member of our congregation!!!.
- Protection of the persecuted church.
- Pray for America.
- USA: Wisdom for our leadership and their health, their direction. Prayer for their safety.
- Healing!
- Howells: needed sale