Create within Me a Clean Heart

I never tire of the surprises the LORD has for us in Scripture. Today, as I was preparing a lesson for our Biblical Hebrew class, I came across this familiar verse which expresses believers’ continual desire for God to create within us a clean heart that is pleasing to Him. When examining the Hebrew in this verse, I discovered rich nuggets. Today, I shall share one of these gems with you.

לֵב טָהֹור בְּרָא־לִי אֱלֹהִים וְרוּחַ נָכוֹן חַדֵּשׁ בְּקִרְבִּי׃

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me,” Ps 51:10

Kind David chose to use a very definite verb (בְּרָא) when he asked God to “create” a clean heart within him. David did not use the verb that meant that he wanted God to recreate or transform his heart. Instead, David used the same verb that was used in Genesis 1 in reference to God’s creating the heavens and earth out of nothing – His creations were brand new, not transformed. And that is what King David asked God to do: not to re-create his heart but to create a brand new heart! Isn’t that the desire of our hearts – that God would not transform or re-create our hearts, but that He would create a brand new & totally different heart within us!!

Even as we put fresh clothes on every day, we still get soiled during the day. In the same way, though our hearts start out fresh, they get ‘muddied’ as we walk through our days. We need for Him to create within us a new hearts each day!


“Father, thank You for the richness of Your Word. And for the precious treasures You have awaiting our discovery. Thank YOU!! Bless Israel – expose the truth. Help America to stand steadfast with Israel. Turn the hearts of Americans to You. Stop the bickering and craziness within our country – we pray that You will arise. In Yeshua’s holy Name we pray!”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Israel: pray for truth to be exposed.
  2. Total healing physical and spiritual for all we know and love! Lenore, Tere, Connie, Dawn, Maggie, Joe, Donna’s friend, etc.
  3. Protection of the persecuted church.
  4. Pray for America.
  5. Friend (Lori): healing
  6. Dawn: healing – total repair & travel blessings and direction
  7. USA: Wisdom for our leadership and their health, their direction. Prayer for their safety.
  8. Healing!
  9. Howells: needed sale

Read all He is doing through prayer!

  1. God is answering prayers!!!
  2. God is answering the prayers of our children­­­­
  3. Lenore’s surgery was successful!
  4. Connie has a new place to live!!
  5. Maggie survived 2 heart attacks during her heart transplant – and a week later she was released to go home!!!
  6. Norman’s niece cancer in remission!!!
  7. The fires have stopped in Israel!!!
  8. Denise: amazing visit with family.
  9. God intervened in the elections.
  10. April: God opened new doors!
  11. Duane (Coles’ friend): miraculous recovery from stroke.
  12. Rhonda’s & Colin’s surgeries went well
  13. Kerene: approval for new medicine!
  14. Tere got an excellent report from doc!
  15. Children are applying Scripture memory verses to their lives!
  16. VBS was terrific!
  17. Coles’ trips: amazing – thank you for your prayers!!
  18. Rhonda is receiving answers! We rejoice with her!