Purpose? Direction?
“More men fail through lack of purpose than lack of talent,” Billy Sunday.
The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out. (Prov 20:6, ESV)
Billy Sunday was a popular outfielder in Major League Baseball in the 1880s. He was an average hitter but an outstanding base runner. After receiving the L-rd, he left baseball and went into the ministry. His preaching drew large crowds in America’s major cities. One of his famous and timely quotes for today was, “more men fail through lack of purpose than lack of talent.”
We are constantly aware of our purpose, direction, and goals with regard to our careers. Recently I was challenged to take those thoughts to another dimension. What are our goals for our congregation? For our family? For our own personal lives?
Let’s consider our answers on 4 levels.
- Biblical: what is the Biblical foundation for what we are working?
- Specific: it has been said that no intent becomes dynamic until it becomes specific. What are our specific steps or actions to accomplishing our purpose?
- Transferable: is our plan merely our own personal agenda? Or is it transferable to our children? How are we involving our family in accomplishing the goal?
- Measurable: in what way are we going to be able to measure our success?
Like Billy Sunday, we may be average hitters, but with passion for our L-rd, we can greatly influence not only our actions but also the lives & actions of our loved ones and those around us. A current example of passion that is changing our society is radical Islam & its changing public school curriculums, airport security, etc. Imagine if we, as followers of Messiah, would pursue His purpose for us with 1/2 that much zeal!!!! If we did, our society — our loved ones, our progeny – we, ourselves, would all be impacted!!!
“Father, thank You that every week You continue to mold us into Your imagine. We thank You for greats in the kingdom of heaven: for people like Billy Sunday, who left his career to follow Your career. We bless You, our Father. Give Israel Your strength, help Israelis not to become weary in well-doing. Help us to elect godly men and women. Turn the hearts of our countrymen to You. In the Name of our soon-coming Messiah, Yeshua, we pray!”
IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:
- Pray for Israel!
- Prayer for ISIS to be stopped; protection of believers
- Dave Davis (pastor of Kehilat haCarmel in Haifa) is very ill; he’s in Mexico for treatment.
- 2-year old Grandson (Mary & Joe Benton): Dad has been assigned to David-Monthan!! Please pray little Joshua’s healing.
- Tere: healing .
- Pamela: healing.
- April (Betty & Harold Olson’s daughter): diagnosed with cancer. Payer for healing and restoration.
- Prayer for those who are in financial or emotional difficulties.
- Pray for America.
- Paul & Lynn Mann: total restoration.
- Jessica (Lori & Jim’s daughter): return to the God of her youth – the God of her parents.
Read all He is doing through prayer!
- Mary and Joe Benton’s son is now in Tucson! Grandson’s blood counts remained steady through the trip.
- Despite cesarean complications, Ellie (Chantell’s daughter) and Chantell are each healthy!
- April (Betty & Harold’s daughter): scan came back showing no cancer in her brain!!
- Co-worker’s hubbie (Lori): released from ICU, after having grand mal seizures
- Families are being reunited!
- Grandson (Les’a and Don): spared and visited by an angel.
- Connie is getting stronger everyday … and able to come to Service last week.