Prayers Availeth Much!

Week 52 (Sunday-Shabbat)

James 5:16b tells us, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

This week our focus is going to be a little trip down memory lane. Do you remember last summer when we began the Call to Prayer? There were only a few of us at service that evening when the Lord prompted us to begin praying 15 minutes a day for 1 week. Well, that was 52 weeks ago (yes, 52!!). During this year, we have rejoiced in victories and we have lifted each other’s arms in tough times. Yes, we have seen our Lord and Saviour move in countless ways!

Listen to what our Lord has done:

1.      He has miraculously saved lives physically and spiritually.

2.      He has healed many from surgeries and sicknesses.

3.      He intervened and a 7-week premature baby was born healthy and continues to thrive a year later.

4.      He is mending family relationships.

5.      He has provided many with employment.

6.      He has touched finances.

7.      He has protected our soldier.

8.      He has taught us to be consistent and persevering in prayer.

As we think about next year, are we willing to continue your commitment to praying 15 minutes a day for a year? (Please email me what time you’d like to pray – also, what’s your biggest desire for God to answer?? Email me your prayer request – we’ll start fresh.)



·         Spiritual growth and passion for the Lord in the congregation

·         Changed lives in congregation.

·         Faithfulness of Call To Prayer intercessors who readily pray for needs

·         Son safe in Afghanistan

·         Financial miracles within the family

·         Mothers’ health

·         Daughters came for Passover

·         Les’a: successful surgery

·         Don: rapid healing from shingles


·         After three years, God opened door for return to Jerusalem and ministry – a dooropened suddenly! I am still amazed that I am back in Jerusalem. Thank you all for praying for me as God does answer prayers according to His will and purposes.


·         Daughter off drugs, approved for Soc. Sec. Disability, able to move to nicer place.

·         Son attending church, reading Bible, going to AA, getting schooling.

·         I have many health issues yet YHVH is always there helping me get through them

·         Brother with colorectal cancer has maintained positive attitude through chemo and radiation and also while facing getting colostomy

·         I could go on and on because every day YHVH answers prayers.


·         Granddaughter was born 6/6/2012. 8# 2oz 19.5 in

·         Growing relationships with my adult children.

·         G-d inspired and directed spiritual leadership.

·         Special friends and new friendships.

·         Reconnected with siblings over care for our mother.

·         Personal affairs & finances are greatly improved.

·         My business has taken a definite direction.

·         My job gets better every day.

·         G-d is awesome.


·         Relationships restored.

·         Kidney function increased

·         More intimately in touch with God.


·         Answer to prayer for leg improvement.

·         Answer to prayer for excellent home.


·         Found doctor to resolve medical issues

·         Able to again work 40 hours

·         Brother’s family reconciled after 13 years estrangement

·         Brother’s life extended 5 months so reconciliation could happen

·         God provided monetarily for brother’s widow

·         4-year old great niece’s successful surgery for straightening her legs


·         Rhonda’s healing is progressing well

·         She is employed & acclimating to working

·         Nicole did not have a stroke, but Bell’s Palsy, with some residual facial paralysis (which we continue to pray will be totally healed)


·         Relationships improving.

·         Car is running pretty well.

·         Out of apartment & living with son!

·         I'm still working and praying for opportunities to reach people with the Gospel.


·         Discovery that treatment was incorrect.

·         Desire to return to normal life – which I am beginning to!

·         There are so many answers!


·         Restored family relationship.

·         Unspoken request.

·         Successful surgeries.


·         Restored family relationship.

·         Positive report from doctor (re her eyes)

·         Is able to drive again (in the daytime)


·         When Judy passed, she spoke strong faith into Frank.

·         Though Frank tremendously misses Judy, he is beginning to move forward.


·         Asked God to help me with find a job. He did, and I love the job He gave me.

·         Asked for prayer for my shoulder. I am almost perfect.

·         Asked for prayer for my Aunt Joy (87 yrs old) for her emergency gallbladder surgery.  She has recovered nicely.


·         Ruben: psa came down from 19 to 11.

·         Family relationship totally changed because I humbled myself to share with her my deepest feelings about myself. 

·         Bev: employment.

·         Helping me grow into a more mature Christian.


·         He is teaching the importance of prayer with others.

·         A lot of new challenges have come to make us more diligent. He is a constant presence. We will prevail through Him and Him Alone.  Praise You, JesusSmiley emoticon


·         A healthy baby, who is now 1 years old.

·         PJ favor with his job.

·         Good friends.

·         G-D has brought me to a closer relationship with HIM!

·         He has made me an Intercessor. 

·         I thank G-D for ALL the blessings HE has given our family, ALL the blessings HE continues to give us, and ALL the blessings we have yet to receive!!!!!

Since our Lord did all this during this year, imagine what He will do in the next year!!