Prayer for the United States

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen for His inheritance.” (Ps. 33:12)flag and bible shutterstock_3284412

We have just finished a difficult election season – it’s been trying on all levels on everyone from the candidates to the citizens! I know we all feel a great relief the election is over and now we can move on.

Can we simply “move on” and live our lives as we did beforehand? NO! God has other plans for us – those of us who are willing to accept the high calling of being an intercessor for our country.

First, on behalf of our country and all praying citizens, we thank each of you who fasted and prayed for our election. I believe that our Lord truly raised us up for a time such as this; even as He did Queen Esther. She fasted and prayed prior to going before the king, and so did many of us fast and pray prior to the election. And God answered.… He [God] deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning,” (Dan 2:21).

Secondly, can we quit and relax now the election is over? NO. We need to continue praying and fasting for those in authority over us. Paul admonished us to do this in his first letter to Timothy: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,” (1Tim 2:1-3).

Our President-elect and all our Congress & decision-makers need our prayers! They need our prayers for wisdom, for direction, for favor, for a halt to all political corruption on every level. We need to pray that both our incoming and current politicians will hear God’s voice – that they will not succumb to political pressure nor the opportunity for financial gain. Pray that our country will once again become the light on the hill as an example for all the world to see that the US is a nation who follows the ways of the Ancient of Days, God Almighty. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,” (Eph. 6:12).

Will you? Pray daily for our country? May Yonah Black’s rendition of God bless America be all our prayer!


“Father, thank You for the new politicians that our country has elected. We pray for each of them – that they will hear Your voice – that they will follow Your ways. Bless the beautiful country You’ve given us. Heal our Land spiritually. Bless Israel – thank You for the bond between the US and Israel – help us to continue in this strong allegiance. Bring Your peace to both the US and to Israel. In the Mighty, Healing Name of our soon-coming Messiah, Yeshua. Amen. ”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Brother (Tracy Robeson): family crisis.
  2. Jessica (Lori & Jim’s daughter): return to the God of her youth – the God of her parents
  3. Josiah, Tracy, Rhonda, Tere, Kerene, April, Connie: total healing
  4. Denise: safe travel, God-appointed encounters
  5. Friend (Donna): healing and encouragement
  6. Friend (Betty): healing and salvation
  7. April: divine appointment and favor
  8. Howells: needed sale

Continuous Prayer:

  1. Pray for healing and direction of the US
  2. Pray for Israel!
  3. Protection of the persecuted church
  4. Attack on our loved ones to be broken and stopped
  5. Prayer for wisdom and favor as we encounter suffering people
  6. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!