How Good Is Your Memory?

Can it be improved?

Since we are constantly bombarded that age impacts our memories, is there anything we can do to help our memories?

CFS mezuzahGod, having created us, is fully aware that our memories need prompting. He instructs us to put  up mezuzahs, so that we don’t forget. “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts … Write them on the doorframes of your houses,” Deut 6:6,9. A mezuzah is a small scroll written on parchment that is put into a decorative case. On the parchment is written the full Shema, Deut 6:4-9 and 11:13-21. God’s design is that the mezuzah to be a constant reminder of who God is and what He has done. While, we “know” He is God, in our busy lives, we need to be reminded so we can constantly put Him in first place.

Research shows that memory is a discipline that requires effort and focus. (Jennifer Rothschild). We all need triggers to help us remember; just as the mezuzah reminds us to refocus. Dr. Caroline Leaf has discovered that brain damaged people can have improvement by harnessing their thoughts. It is vital to our emotional and physical well-being that we not allow ourselves to be exposed to negativity or evil. The writer of Proverbs reminds us that “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it,” Proverbs 4:23. Because “… as he thinks within himself, so he is,” Proverbs 23:7a.

  • How careful are you with what you allow yourself to hear or see?
  • What triggers or reminders do you have that help you to remember God’s goodness?

What is the antidote to negativity and to lessening memories? Praise. In and of ourselves we can do nothing, aside from being careful what we allow ourselves to hear. However, as we turn our hearts to God and begin to praise Him – to thank our LORD for ALL He has done – we will see Him intervene; our lives and our memories will begin to transform. Put up a mezuzah to be a constant reminder for you to focus on and to praise Him.

PRAYER: “Thank You, mighty King, for having created each of us … and for giving us the opportunity to grow! We love how Your Word affirms Your truths in our physical, as well as spiritual lives. Bring Your peace and wisdom to Israel and to our beleaguered country. Heal our land and Your people. In the Holy Name of our Messiah, Yeshua.”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  • Pray for Israel!
  • Rhonda, Tere, Deb, 3-year old Josh: healing
  • April: Prayer for healing & restoration.
  • Protection for pastors
  • Olsens: wisdom & peace
  • Marsha’s family: peace and the Lord’s intervention as the family grieves the loss of her cousin.
  • Marsha (Rhonda’s friend): friend’s husband. Encouragement and peace.
  • HEALING and PEACE for all!!!
  • Pray: for ISIS to be stopped;  protection of believers
  • Pray: for victims of terror and their families
  • Pray: for those who are in financial or emotional difficulties.
  • Pray for America.

Read all G-d is doing through prayer!

  1. VBS was terrific!
  2. Coles’ trips: amazing – thank you for your prayers!!
  3. Rhonda is receiving answers! We rejoice with her!
  4. David Davis (Israel): fantastic report from his doctors this week: he is cancer-free!!
  5. Aunt (Norman George): went home from hospital!
  6. Brother (Jim Robeson): went home from hospital!
  7. Unspoken victories are beginning to shower down!!!
  8. Georges: great trip!
  9. Oxana’s grandbaby, even after struggle with birth, born healthy!
  10. 3 other babies born healthy!!
  11. David Davis (pastor of Kehilat haCarmel in Haifa) has completed his extensive treatment in Mexico and has returned to Haifa!
  12. April: good report from doctor!
  13. Tracy’s infection didn’t spread to her bones!
  14. Shar (Les’a’s friend): house sold!!!
  15. Peace has returned to Don’s mom!!!
  16. Pamela’s miracle at work.
  17. Mary and Joe Benton’s son is now in Tucson! Grandson’s blood counts remained steady through the trip.
  18. April (Betty & Harold’s daughter): scan came back showing no cancer in her brain!!