Benefits of Prayer: psychological benefits – depression, anxiety, & TBI

In addition to longer life and better relationships with others, also there are psychological rewards for praying: depression, anxiety, and TBI. This week, we shall list 3 benefits of in depth consistent prayer:

1.      Reducing Genetic Risk for Depression: According to a Columbia University study, those suffers from depression who have a family history of depression are only 1/10th as likely to have depression if religion is important in their lives and they frequently attend religious services. Furthermore, those who are religious and at a lower risk of depression are only 25% as likely to develop depression as their non-religious counterparts. Many other studies conclude that prayer and religious practices lessen or alleviate depression in those with or without genetic risk.  (source: The American Journal of Psychiatry)

2.       Protecting Against Anxiety:UtahState University researchers discovered that older people with strong religious beliefs did not experience significantly elevated blood pressure when facing stressful events. Their reaction is much like that of people 30-40 years their younger. Other research noted that prayer fosters compassion and a loving attitude which reduces a harmful stress response in the brain. (source: Annals of Behavioral Medicine)

3.       Enhancing Recovery from Brain Injury:Wayne State University (Detroit, MI) researchers examined the impact of religion on 88 people who had TBI (traumatic brain injury). They examined their function up to 20 years after injury. Those individuals who felt the strongest connection with a higher power were less distressed, most were satisfied with their lives, and experienced better recovery.  (source:RehabilitationPsychology)

ASSIGNMENT: pray 15 minutes a day! Prayer changes things! These benefits are even more prounced when we have the Lord Yeshua, in our lives.

“Father, protect Israel against these deadly attacks. Help her to turn to You and to stand strong in the face of her enemies. Thank You for protecting our soldiers and the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). Bring families together – turn the hearts of our children to You. Lord, help us to develop consistency in our prayer lives. The benefits You give us for following Your ways are amazing. We pray for the psychological struggles our intercessors and their children face. Thank You for healing those on our lists. In Your holy name, we pray.