Are we willing to deny ourselves? (Purim)
Annihilation of the Jews is a common theme throughout history. Generally, these attacks have come in 2 forms: physical or cultural. Purim celebrates the victory over those who tried and failed to destroy the Jews physically. Hanukkah, on the other hand, celebrates the miracle of the Jewish people’s resisting the adoption of the Greek culture. As recently as this past summer, the enemies of Israel (funded by Iran, etc.), attempted to physically destroy the State of Israel by launching their attacks from Gaza. (In 2005, Israel had withdrawn from Gaza in exchange for the “promise” of peace. Last summer’s attacks came from tunnels which ran from inside Gaza into Israel.)
This week, we are focusing on Purim, 2015. The timing of this year’s remembrance of G-d’s sparing the Jewish people from the Persians/Iranians occurs at a critical time in the present-day history of the State of Israel. The Iranians continue to seek annihilation of the Jews.
What triggered the physical salvation of the Jewish people in the 400s BC? Queen Esther. The Queen and her court fasted and prayed for 3 days. Afterward, she bravely approached King Xerxes without his having first summoned her. This action could have led to her death. With no regard for her personal safety, she boldly requested the king and Haman come to dinner. At dinner, she revealed to the king the sinister plot of his high-ranking official Haman. In the end, G-d spared the Jewish people from genocide.
What will trigger the physical salvation of the Jewish people in 2015? The prayers and fasting of righteous followers of HaShem.
Are we willing to fast and pray for the nation of Israel?
Even as Queen Esther and her court fasted and prayed for 3 days, G-d is calling His followers to fast and pray for the safety and peace of Israel. Your fast may be something as simple as a no-pleasant bread fast where you do not eat any delicacies. Or, it can be a liquid-only fast. Or, anywhere in between. The important thing is that NOW is the time to deny ourselves and intercede! G-d promises He will hear from Heaven. And we, and our nation, will be blessed as we set aside our personal agendas and pray for Israel.
Who will join me in fasting and praying for Israel from this Sunday through Tuesday (March 1-3, 2015)?
You might wonder, how you can pray for Israel and the U.S.? Ask G-d to direct you. And as you read/hear the news, pray! Below are verses which will help you get started.
“17Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary. 18 Give ear, our God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. 19 Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.” (Dan 9:17-19)
- Engage in constant prayer for Israel: Is 62:1: “For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep quiet, until her righteousness goes forth like brightness, and her salvation like a torch that is burning.”
- Become an intercessor: Is 62:6: “On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent. You who remind the Lord, take no rest for yourselves;”
- Pray for Jerusalem’s peace: Ps 122:6: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you.”
- Turn from ungodliness: 2Chron 7:14: “and My people who are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
- No peace: Jer 6:14: “They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, Saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ But there is no peace.”
- False hope: Jer 8:15: “We waited for peace, but no good came; for a time of healing, but behold, terror!”
- They hate peace: Ps 120:6-7: “Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.”
- Destruction: 1Thes 5:3: “While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.”
- Pray for those in authority: 1Tim 2:1-4: “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
- Pray for just leadership: Pro 29:4: “The king gives stability to the land by justice, But a man who takes bribes overthrows it.”
- Pray for godly counsel for leaders: Ps 1:1-2: “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.”
- Pray for leaders to seek G-d and study His Word: Pro 28:9: “He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is an abomination.”
- To bring the Jews home to Israel: Jer 31:8-9: “See, I will bring them from the land of the north and gather them from the ends of the earth. Among them will be the blind and the lame, expectant mothers and women in labor; a great throng will return.”
- To bless those nations, people, who bless Israel: Gen 12:3: “And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
- To judge those nations who divide Israel: Joel 3:2: “I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land.”
- To make Israel’s borders secure: Ex 23:31: “I will fix your boundary from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the River Euphrates; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you will drive them out before you.”
- To heal their land: 2Chron 7:14: “and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
“Mighty and holy G-d. It is You who directs our footsteps. Help us to accept Your calling to be watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem. Help us to faithfully and consistently intercede for Your People, Israel, and for our country. We pray that our country will stand fast with Israel – help both the U.S. and Israel to look away from public opinion, away from possible political and/or financial gains to You, the Father of our forebears. Give wisdom, clarity of thought to Israel’s leaders, to our leaders. Confound the plans of the wicked. Bring Your peace – Your divine peace – to Jerusalem, to Israel. In the holy Name of our soon-coming Messiah, Yeshua, we pray.”
IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:
- Pray for Israel!
- Protection of the persecuted church.
- Pray for the emotional turmoil of many around us.
- Deb: victory over overwhelming circumstances. Encouragement!! God will provide; prayer for wisdom and favor with all those involved in the decision-making. Protection from false accusations and that truth, victory, and peace will reign. That Deb’s spirit will be lifted up: that she will have the words and clarity of mind to accomplish what needs to be done. That there will be a miraculously successful outcome of fairness and provision for her future.
- Sister-in-law (Les’a): seriously ill – she’s a strong believer who has many complications from diabetes
- Carla: continued healing.
- Pregnant daughter (Debbie in Houston): prayer that complications will absolve and that baby and mother will be healthy. Peace & wisdom – for God’s spirit to reign. Peace for all concerned. – baby is due 3/1/2015
- Sandie (Norm K’s cousin): healing, peace, and direction.
- Connie & Dorey (Rhonda & Norm): healing & restoration!
- Friend (Les’a): COPD
- Friend (Norman G): healing and salvation.
- Prayer for family whose young son died Wednesday.
- Cathi (friend): father in law healing of prostate cancer
- Marita (Israel): health and renewed vitality. Revitalization.
- Granddaughter (Dawn): favor for a new job and a positive outcome regarding child.
- Prayer for wisdom and favor as we encounter suffering people.
- Marriages: peace, harmony, serve G-d
- Cynthia (who’s relocated near family in Louisiana): favor for a job, healing for her sister, godly relationships
- Jobs: Pamela, Norman G., PJ, Natan and his new military assignment.
Read all He is doing through prayer!
- Deb got a job!!!
- Joe & May Benton arrived safely in Tucson from Mexico, where they are Wycliffe Translators.
- Dawn: family is turning to HaShem!
- Connie: good report from doctor – please pray for total healing!
- Alex’s aunt did not need chemo!
- Both Connie & Dorey are home from the hospital!!! They are each recuperating well.
- Connie’s surgery was successful and she was able to go home at least 2 weeks earlier than expected! We pray for her continual and total healing.
- Dorey’s surgery was also successful.
- Eric arrived safely in AZ.
- Joan and Natan had a great trip back to NM.
- Connie came home from rehab!
- Joan’s surgery was successful! She received a fantastic report from her surgeon.
- Sally’s surgery was successful – she also received an excellent report!
- Maxine’s surgery was successful!
- God is exposing evil terror threats!
- Lori: new position!
- Travis (CFS webmaster): God answered his prayer!
- Miracles of orchestrating times & schedules This Week! Thank You, Lord!
- Les’a’s surgery was a success.
- Lori: doc asked is she were ‘healing woman’ because of how quickly our Lord is healing her.
- Natan’s and Chantell’s marriage retreat was excellent!
- Yonah & Bobby Black; Debbie Rosenstiel: Fruitful times of ministry! Life-changing experiences.
- Leonard (Phyllis D’s brother): home form the hospital!
- Bob (Les’a’s co-worker’s husband): successful surgery, despite his age. They were able to remove all cancer and a second spot turned out to be a hernia – miracle!! His follow-up doctor’s appointment and scan pronounced him cancer-free. (He will be rechecked in 4 months – we need to continue praying.)
- Miriam (Pamela): healing and gradually able to eat a bit.
- Lori: God intervened! She is healing at record speed!
- Dorey (Krinskys’ granddaughter): has a job
- Teresa (Bonnie’s niece): kidneys are beginning to function. Praying for their being totally operative. This week, her kidneys began functioning! (earlier: Teresa (Bonnie’s niece): miracle! They were able to fix a torn aorta and remove blood clot in heart! // She has been able to walk!! There is blood flow in both kidneys!!! She has moved out of ICU! She is now home in Texas – and her doctor at UMC is continuing to call her!! (And the EMT guys visited her at least 4 times at UMC!).Please pray for her kidneys to function properly.)/// She is now well enough to begin physical therapy!
- Maxine’s surgery was successful!
- Jeff (Paul & Lynn’s son): oncologist declared he is cancer-free! Praying for healing of colon
- Testimonies of G-d’s strengthening various families – let us continue to pray for these & for all families
- Tracy: able to be with dad; tube was removed and he is getting stronger!
- Paul & Lynn: 1st time together in their own home in 11 months! Paul was able to walk – unassisted – with a walker. Jeff (Paul & Lynn’s son): received a good report from doctor. Doc was amazed!
- Debbie & Dennis grandson: born healthy after 52.5 hours of labor! Please pray for the baby’s mom’s strength to be restored.
- Sher & Vince (Dawn’s kids): wonderful and very warm welcome from their new church!!
- Bonnie is rejoicing in Heaven – she is healed and would say, “If you could see me now!”
- Jo Lynn (Norman’s sister): going home from hospital extensive heart issues!!!
- Lydia (Norman’s younger sister): coming to Tucson for a visit.
- Grandson (Dawn): great answer to prayer.
- Connie: great answer to prayer!
- Paul: quick answer! no signs of any problems resulting from the seizures; physically, he did not digress resulting from the seizures – he is where he was prior to the incidents. A HUGE hallelujah and thanks for your prayers!!!
- Bonnie: one of her nurses is Messianic! (& knows Debbie R!)
- Andrew (Phyllis D’s grandson): is doing well after seizures.
- Danielle (Phyllis D’s daughter): recovering from cellulitis.
- Phyllis D: doing great!
- Family members are reaching out to one another – walls are beginning to soften! Hallelujah!
- Sister (Norman G): was well enough to call Norman! She is improving daily!
- Janet & Churck: in serious car accident – they are alive! Car was totaled but they sustained no life-threatening injuries – hallelujah!
- Phyllis D: settled in her own home. Great reports! She misses us!
- Paul: prior to seizures, he was much stronger and could walk with assistance 200 feet
- Maggie (Les’a’s sister in law and her son): Huge miracle! She is alive — met new different doctors. They feel this heart attack wound up be a blessing in disguise. (Since writing this; she experienced another set-back and is back in hospital; please refer to prayer request #5 above.) Her son Matt finished 4 weeks of rehab (addiction to prescription meds).
- Aria (Dawn’s great granddaughter) passed the bolt without needing surgery!
- Keith (Dawn’s grandson): relationship is being restored – please pray he continues to walk upright and will serve the G-d of his grandmother and parents.
- David: is in half-way house and looking good – has two jobs. Attending AA. Was sentenced to 3 years probation, instead of prison!
- Debbie & Dennis (now in Houston): moving into their own home – Dennis has a part-time job – please pray for favor.
- Marita (believer living in Israel): “Thank you for praying for my ankle. I feel that my ankle is healed completely. Thank you for your prayers. Blessings.”
- Maxine: fantastic family time! Her kidney numbers came back perfect!
- Joe: no serious damage when he fell.
- Phyllis D (now in Ohio): in her own home!
- Debbie & Dennis: back in States and many lives were touched for the L-rd during their trip.
- Rudy (Les’a’s friend’s son): cracked skull resulting in major mental complications – Huge Miracle! God intervened — he is able to have work. His mother is grateful for the prayers and is amazed at his healing.
- Paul: sounds amazing! Able to walk down parallel bars 8 times (riding in the wheel chair only to return to starting point)!! Both Lynn and Paul are doing outpatient therapy at Health South. Please continue praying for total restoration.
- Jo Lynn (Norman G’s sister): despite a few setbacks this week, she is continuing to make great strides.
- Keith: made contact with his grandmother. Please pray he wants to make permanent lifestyle changes.
- Maxine: great report from doctor.
- Connie: great answer to unspoken request.
- Alejandrina (Bonnie’s new friend in hospital): One evening we prayed for Alejandrina to be able to leave ICU. Within a short period after prayer, daughter went to see Alejandrina. Daughter said difference in her was remarkable. In less than 24 hours after prayer she was moved out of ICU! Hallelujah.
- Bonnie: did not have another heart attack – HALLELUJAH! Again the Lord answered her prayers that she would not have open heart.
- Alex: good report and direction regarding thyroid and liver issues. Please pray for total restoration.
- God is making a way where there seemed to be none!
- Sally’s surgery went very well.
- Connie: surgery went very well and she’s back in service!
- Yonah: opportunity to be mentored in worship
- People resisted temptation – hallelujah!
- Co-worker and Alex: each received positive reports from their doctors!
- Lori: unspoken work-related issue: resolved the day we prayed! Thank YOU!!
- Christine (Bev & Ruben’s daughter in law): her church gave her a van!
- Maksim (Norman’s military friend): returned from Afghanistan! Pray for him and his family as he transitions back into life in the US.
- Les’a feels great! PTL this yuk only lasted 10 days instead of the 3 weeks it has for most – thank you for your prayers!
- Andre (Pamela & Norman’s friend): cactus in his eye. Cactus removed and no problems!
- Maxine: surgery went perfectly and took less time than doctor had expected.
- Tracy: update on numbness on left side of head…it’s from the dislocated clavicle. The bone is pressing on nerves and causing the numbness. Migraines aren’t completely gone but let me tell you, Les’a, I haven’t had an “episode” since December. Praise the LORD!!!!! I normally get a max of 2 migraines per month, so to have 3 months going on 4 not having any is truly a miracle! I have an “anterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation” from November when JJ banged his head against my chest; please pray that the LORD puts it back into its place.
- Emergency Preparedness for the Modern Christian Family – excellent mtg!
- Connie: passed test!
- Natan: promoted!
- Natan and family went to church again!
- Joan (Les’a’s mom): settled back home – doing well.
- Joan (Les’a’s mom): got excellent reports from her doctors.
- Joe: released from hospital and feeling better!
- Embryonic steps our children are making toward the Lord!! Hallelujah!
- Lori: positive report from doctor – prayer for a new job without lifting – that doesn’t strain her back…
- Baby Addy (Betty & Harold’s granddaughter): excellent report from cardiologist – no return visit for 9 months! Holes in heart are closing.
- God is giving CFS a reputation for being a praying congregation – and people are looking forward to miracles wrought as a result of our prayers! Isn’t our King wonderful to use “us”!
- One of the believers whom we help to support: said she is focusing this year on intercession and CFS! WOW! That’s exciting!
- God showed us many, many baby steps of answers He’s bringing about in the lives of our loved ones! Hallelujah!
- Mom (Tracy’s): safely arrived in the US.
- Bonnie: becoming stronger. She is able to work full time. Let us continue praying for her total healing and God’s perfect timing for her to return to work. (She survived a 7-hour heart attack! And with only minor heart damage! And, He has granted her heart’s desire: she will not have open heart surgery! Out of the hospital – her doc was amazed at how much better she looked than she had 3 weeks before!)
- Flu/Cold symptoms: healing and health for our loved ones.
- Joan (Les’a’s mom): great report from spinal doctor. Physical therapy is immediate direction, rather than surgery – a true answer to her prayers! She is getting stronger everyday – walked a mile in physical therapy!
- Maxine: out of the hospital and doing well. feeling soo much better! Did not have any compressions fractures!
- Bev & Ruben: huge answers to prayer. Pray David follows thru with his direction.
- Phyllis & family arrived in Ohio. They had a good trip! Nevertheless, we miss her! Danielle was able to purchase a beautiful double-wide home. Phyllis is going to service Sat!!
- Connie: found a new home!
- Granddaughter (Betty & Harold): born healthy!
- Rhonda & Norm: the Lord brought order out of chaos!
- Paul: even little setbacks, God uses! Paul is back at HealthSouth!
- Nephew (Les’a): serious auto accident with car’s being totaled. His outlook is great!
- Maxine: trip was fantastic!
- Krinskys: home has sold and they moved.
- Interviews (Dawn’s ‘grandson’ and Debbie’s daughter): God to open doors to jobs
- David (Bev & Ruben): he is fulfilling court obligations. Pray for total deliverance and repentance.
- Danielle (Phyllis): excellent report – no cancer!
- Somewhat estranged son (John): initiated a visit!! Visit was good!
- Phyllis: feeling better!
- Lord is orchestrating timing!
- Becca (Tracy’s friend): surgery successful and, after a month in physical therapy, is able to go home! Prayer for salvation.