Are we who others say we are? Or who others make us feel we are?

The objective of today’s advertising is to make us feel dissatisfied with who, what we are, or what we have. The chaos, the frustrations, the craziness of the world today also send a message that we are inadequate. And then there are our own failures – they further reinforce our feeling of unworthiness. The subliminal message of our culture is to make us think ‘If we just had that one more thing, then we’d be really happy’.

Let me ask you, ‘Are we going to let these impulses characterize who we are?’Lincolm Famous Failures

Let’s look at Abe Lincoln. By the standards listed here he would have been considered a complete failure. He lost virtually every office for which he campaigned. He lost his job and his business. He had a nervous breakdown. Was he a failure? He had 28 years of failures. However, history has recorded him as being one of the greatest American presidents. After those 28 years of heart-breaking discouragements, he went on to become elected to the highest office in the land: the US Presidency. He penned one of the most famous speeches: the Gettysburg Address, he brought an end not only to slavery but also to the Civil War. He was a man who did not let tragedy define him.

This week I heard a wise young woman say, “I am not the kind of leader that circumstances indicate that I am. I know who I am and where I am going.” And we know that in Christ we can do all things – He has made us more than conquerors! (Phil 4:13; Rom 8:37). Hallelu-YAH! He said we are winners, in Him.

ACTION PLAN: Allow no one, no thing, and no circumstance to steal the vision that our G-d has placed within our hearts. Through Him we can do all things!


“What a mighty G-d we serve! You, our G-d and King, reign supreme. We exalt You in our lives. Thank You that all Your promises are yes and amen. Help us to continuously keep our eyes stayed on You and not on all the other distractions. Turn Israel’s and America’s eyes to You. We pray for Your peace over each of these countries. In Your precious Son’s Name, we pray.””

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Protection of the persecuted church.
  3. Pray for America.
  4. Women of Valor Bible Study – that we will move to a new level in prayer with Him!
  5. Attack on our loved ones to be broken and stopped.
  6. Connie: surgery – total healing!
  7. Donna: recovery from surgery
  8. Jim: recovery knee replacement surgery, healing. That he will be pain-free.
  9. Tere: healing and wisdom in direction
  10. Deb: victory and direction!!!
  11. Paul Mann: total restoration.
  12. 2-year old Grandson (Mary & Joe Benton): healing miracle! Tumor to shrink. Be able to be airlifted to the US.
  13. Mandie & others (Dawn’s family): drawing closer to the L-rd
  14. Rachel (Pamela’s friend): liver transplant and healing
  15. Brother-in-Law (Norman George): healing
  16. Cynthia: move to Dallas
  17. Shar: overcoming and sense of purpose
  18. Prayer for wisdom and favor as we encounter suffering people.
  19. Carla: continued healing.
  21. REVIVAL in Arizona
  22. FRIENDS: many of our friends are hurting physically and emotionally.
  23. FAMILIES & MARRIAGES: strong, healthy and Christ-centered; spiritual, mental, and emotional healing. God will bring families together. Spirit of division will cease. Family relationships healed! Family members who are far off will return and serve God.
  24. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally whole!
  25. Protection of believers all over the world.
  26. Encouragement for the heavy-hearted
  27. Bevin (Les’a’s friend’s husband): physical and emotional healing.