Are we ready? (Elul 1)

The month of Elul, which leads up to the fall Holy Days, is the season of reflection, repentance, and drawing closer to our L-rd. Are we ready? Are we prepared to come face to face with our Creator?

Two weeks ago a man received the best bill of health he gotten in 8 years! And two days later, he died…. Gives us something to think about, doesn’t it.

This week, Kathie Lee Gifford commented on her husband’s recent passing. A couple of things stood out to me. Frank’s poverty-stricken family moveddavid and goliath 29 times before he began high school as his father constantly looked for work in the 1930s.  According to notes in his mother’s Bible, the family’s going to church every week is what kept the family together. Indeed HaShem reminds us not to forsake the gathering of the brethren.

A milestone in Frank’s life was when he and Kathie went to the Elah Valley in Israel, where David slew Goliath. The leader of their tour encouraged each person to pick up a stone. Upon returning to the States, both of their children graduated from school. After giving each child a stone, they asked them where they would throw their stone to impact the world?

I feel this is a very appropriate question for each of us to ask ourselves during Elul, this season of reflection, “Where will we throw our stones so that we can impact the world for our L-rd and Saviour?”

Are we ready?


 “L-rd, thank You for this time of preparation. Help us to look at our lives and activities with sobriety, with true introspection. Help us to ready ourselves for meeting with You in this High Holy Day season. Keep Israel strong – help her and our country to repent and to truly turn to You. In the holy Name of our King, Yeshua, we pray.!”

IMMEDIATE Prayer Requests:  

  1. Pray for Israel!
  2. Protection of the persecuted church.
  3. Pray for America.
  4. Attack on our loved ones to be broken and stopped.
  5. Tere: healing and wisdom in direction
  6. Donna: healing
  7. Deb: victory over overwhelming circumstances. Encouragement!! God will provide; prayer for wisdom and favor with all those involved in the decision-making. Protection from false accusations and that truth, victory, and peace will reign. That Deb’s spirit will be lifted up: that she will have the words and clarity of mind to accomplish what needs to be done. That there will be a miraculously successful outcome of fairness and provision for her future.
  8. Rachel (Pamela’s friend): liver transplant and healing
  9. Connie: healing – total healing!
  10. Jim: recovery knee replacement surgery, healing. That he will be pain-free.